County of Ventura Union History

Mid 19th Century to Present

Workers unite and form labor unions to establish and secure standards and terms of employment including fair pay and benefits.

Mid 20th Century

Public Employee’s Association of Ventura County  (PEAVC) is formed to represent Ventura County employees (with the exception of safety personnel) in matters related to terms of employment including negotiation of pay and benefits.

1970's - 1980's

California voters pass Proposition 13.  Standards are established that limit the ability of  the County to raise property taxes charged to landowners (primary source of  funding for county government).  Result is lost jobs.  Empty positions remain unfilled, pay and benefits are frozen. 

Leadership of PEAVC advises membership to affiliate with SEIU International.  SEIU Local 998 becomes authorized labor representative for Ventura County employees. SEIU bargains away retirement benefits for all future employees.  Tier I Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is no longer available to new employees.  From this point forward, inflation will continue to out pace all future employees' retirement benefits year after year.

1990’s to 2000

Ventura County employees continuously lose rights and the purchasing power of pay and benefits with each new contract that is negotiated by SEIU Local 998.


Local 998 membership unites to secure a contract that significantly improves the value of their base pay and benefit package.  Membership unites for a historical strike, the first in Ventura County Government.  SEIU International refused any financial support or assistance but the strike was successfully carried off by a focused and determined membership.


Local 998's elected Board of Directors learns of SEIU International's plan to abolish all California SEIU local labor organizations in favor of  restructuring into large regional mega-locals.  Board of Directors determine that disaffiliation of SEIU International, in favor of independent local representation, would be in the best interest of the membership as a whole.

September 2004

SEIU International learns of disaffiliation intent and seizes control of Local 998 amidst false charges and accusations made against the elected Board of Directors.  SEIU appoints a Trustee selected from the upper ranks of SEIU International to oversee the operations of Local 998.  The Trustees' stated goal is to draft new Bylaws and elect new officers to the Board within 18 months of the transfer of power.


SEIU Local 998, under the direction of the “hand picked” Trustee, negotiates a substandard contract that results in the membership receiving an average increase of 1.5% in pay and benefits. Ventura County employees experience an overall erosion of the gains they had made with the 2001 - 2005 contract.


Ventura Employees Association (VEA) is established and launches a campaign to decertify SEIU Local 998. Once successful, employees of Ventura County will once again represent their own interests in all employment matters with County management.  To date, SEIU International has not elected a new Board, has not drafted new Bylaws, and has not restored operation of Local 998 to the membership. SEIU continues with plans to merge Local 998 with a mega-local.